The Ultimate Gift [VIDEO]

Your relationship is like a flower: with daily love and care it will blossom to new heights.

- Allison Villa

No Room For “Couple Time”

Let’s be honest. Parenthood leaves most parents feeling overwhelmed. Adding “couple time” to the long list of to-dos, can feel daunting.

Where should we go?

Can we even get a sitter?

What are we going to talk about (other than the kids)?

The struggle is real.

Small Steps, Big Impact

Take a breathe. You CAN stay connected after having kids without feeling overwhelmed. The small daily moments are what matter most. Ten minutes a day of quality time is the watering that will keep your relationship flower blooming.

Practice Gratefulness

Notice the folded laundry.

Be curious about the details of each other’s day.

Acknowledge each other, beyond your role as parents. You are individuals FIRST. It’s important to be seen, heard, and understood, especially by your partner.

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

To make “couple time” easy, affordable, and fun for parents, Registered Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert, Allison Villa, created Couple's Sandbox. Sandbox is an online monthly membership program designed for parents to re-claim their passion and play. Get guided support and prompts for nourishing conversations. Enjoy quality time with each other without the overwhelm (and without leaving the house!). Doors open for four days only: November 18 - November 21, 2019.

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Allison Villa is a psychotherapist & founder of House and Hook. She specializes in keeping couples’ thriving throughout parenthood. As a wife and mother, she understands how raising a family affects the romantic relationship and the challenges that modern parents face. With Allison’s virtual therapy practice, retreat, online monthly membership program & course, this keepin-it-real-mama teaches busy couples to live with intention & to use simple time-efficient strategies to connect with each other.