

Connection, re-connection, gentle understanding, and valuable insight to let your relationship thrive!

I’ve got three amazing offerings for you and your family, and if you have any questions you just get in touch with me directly. These offerings hit a wide scale, we’ve got budget friendly, live meetings, online programs, and one-on-one catered time, for both the individual and the couple.

Find the best fit for you

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Couples Sandbox

A budget friendly and wonderfully immersive, online experience. This monthly membership program is a place where parents can reclaim the passion & play in their romantic relationship.


Couples Tune-Up

A step-by-step, 5-week online guide that helps couples get clear on their values & (re)connect as a couple.


One-On-One Consultations

Private psychotherapy sessions designed to meet individual and couple needs.



 What’s on offer for you?

You deserve to feel deeply connected as a couple and you also deserve
to feel deeply connected to yourself. Let’s get you there!


A budget friendly and wonderfully immersive, online monthly membership program where parents reclaim the passion & play in their romantic relationship. 


A step-by-step, 5-week online guide that helps couples get clear on their values & (re)connect as a couple.


Private psychotherapy sessions designed to meet individual and couple needs. These sessions are devoted time to your couple.
